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Ruby On Rails and a Conning Israeli entrepreneur

List all Controllers and actions

controllers = Dir.new("#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers").entries
controllers.each do |controller|
if controller =~ /_controller/
cont = controller.camelize.gsub(".rb","")
puts cont
(eval("#{cont}.new.methods") -
ApplicationController.methods -
Object.methods -
ApplicationController.new.methods).sort.each {|met|
puts "\t#{met}"


Dump a Model table to fixtures


def self.to_fixture
write_file(File.expand_path("test/fixtures/#{table_name}.yml", RAILS_ROOT),
self.find(:all).inject("---\n") { |s, record|
self.columns.inject(s+"#{record.id}:\n") { |s, c|
s+" #{{c.name => record.attributes[c.name]}.to_yaml[5..-1]}\n" }

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    About Me

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    I am a web developer for more than 9 years, managed, cried, coded, designed and made money in this industry. now trying to do it again.
